Mid-Summer Update

by Featured, Personal Notes

Hi all! I haven’t posted since early June so I wanted to let everyone know what has been going on. And yes, I know, “update” posts are lame, but I felt I owed an explanation to you all.

So, mid-June my wife and I went on our first cruise. It was awesome and we had a great time. Unfortunately, when we got back, we came down with our first ever cases of Covid. I personally had symptoms and tested postive for twelve days before I got a negative test. Out of those twelve, I showed a variety of symptoms the entire time, but was only “really sick” for about three – four days, although I was miserable for most of it. Long story short, between the cruise, and the down time from being sick, I mostly didn’t work for three weeks so that put me unbelievably behind, on everything. In addition to my day job and writing, I also have several “side projects” I’ve been working on. Now it’s all delayed until I get caught up.

I may have some exciting stuff coming up in a couple weeks, but I’ll update you when that gets a little closer. I think this whole episode has just been a reminder to me that we arent’ out of this whole thing yet. Everyone keep safe out there!

As always, drop me a line if you want. Ask a question, tell me what’s going on in your life, or share what you’re writing. I answer every email I get. So everyone stay safe out there and we’ll talk soon!

– Ryan

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