The Silent Death Review by The Boron Heist

by Featured, Fiction

The Boron Heist recently published a review of my new book, “The Silent Death.” I’ll post a snippet of it below and a link to the article. However, it got me thinking about the importance of reviews to Independent Authors and how difficult it has become to get them. These days, being an Independent Author means having to figure out how to draw attention to your books in an increasingly oversaturated market. As technology lowers the entry point for these endeavors, there will only be more and more. I could write a post on what I feel you must do to stand out, but I’ll save that for another time. One thing that does seem to be true is that the Amazon Algorithm seems to like reviews.  There seems to be a point where they will start to push your book out on their internal newsletters, but it is all according to how many reviews you have. 

All that to say, it’s imperative for indie authors to get reviews. Unfortunately, it also seems like it’s harder and harder to get them. So, if you have authors you like, do them a favor and leave a star rating or review for their books. It’s one of the simplest ways to support an author and can make a huge difference. Now onto the Boron Heist review of The Silent Death!

– Ryan

“Much like the 2022 action comedy Bullet Train, and its 2010 source novel Maria Beetle by Kotaro Isaka, The Silent Death is a spirited exercise in genre fiction, whose chapters–shifting as they do between the perspectives of its three protagonists (Xavier, Stacy Martinez, and Bill Logan, now separated by oceans, and operating momentarily on different continents)–develop at a brisk pace, drawing the reader along inexorably through its various intrigues in the Land of the Rising Sun.”

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