Breaking Tradition

by Featured, Fiction

As I mentioned last week, I’m not following my tradition of taking an extended break after writing this novel. My new thought process is that if I am a writer, which I am, I should write. That doesn’t mean I’m a workaholic or a member of the dreadful “hustle culture.” It just means I enjoy writing; it’s as much a part of me now as music. I plan to write three different books and then worry about starting the publishing process after finishing all three. It’s an audacious plan, but one that will keep me moving and hopefully help keep me out of the ruts I frequently fall into. These ruts seem to come from inactivity, and once I fall into one, my productivity will suffer. It affected the writing of “The Silent Death” so severely that it pushed the release date back from early Spring to late Summer. This new plan should help me work past that and meet a fairly ambitious production schedule for next year.

As far as the three projects I’ll be working on? Fans of Xavier Greene have no worries because one of the three projects is the next Xavier Greene book and not the last one either. As for the other projects, one is a pet project that I started on my phone over a year ago. I’ve already written almost twenty thousand words on it, and I have a rough layout for the rest of it. When I first started that project, it was an experiment. First, I wrote it on my phone; second, I pantsed it instead of plotting it out. For those of you who may not be familiar with it, that means I made it up as I went. At this point, I have written a loose outline for the rest of the book, so it’s just a matter of filling it out. Honestly, this one has been on the shelf for a long time, so it’ll be fun to get back into these characters’ heads and see what happens.

The other project is a synopsis I wrote over a year ago and meant to write, but life got in the way. It’s a brand new story, and although still a thriller, it’ll have sci-fi elements. I don’t want to say too much about it yet except to say this is a story I’ve been very excited about bringing you for a while. I can’t wait until I can tell you more about it!

In the meantime, I’ve been reading some great books and attempting to recharge my batteries. It’s been an uphill battle because life gets in the way, but I’m getting there. It’s always fun to release a new book, but it can also be exhausting, and I am only human after all…

In the meantime, if you read “The Silent Death,” let me know what you thought! Also, if you read it, please leave a rating and/or a review. Reviews are so important to indie authors, yet so hard to come by. In any case, I look forward to hearing from you all! Till next time, happy reading!

– Ryan

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